I am not a fan of snow. Proof is that I looked all through my photos and this is the only one I could find that was of me outside in the winter. I am sure my grandmother took this photograph. She took the most god awful photos of me. I am always in a ridiculous position. Never gave any warning. Just started snapping. To make matters even worse, she would have doubles or triples printed and give them to me. Anyway, that is a story for another day. Snow. Not. A. Fan. Sure, I love to ski, but I don't fall. I am not a fantastic skier, but I really stay in my comfort zone and if I fall, I am done. TO THE LODGE!!! I like to sled. One time. Walking back up that hill is for the birds. Especially all bundled up and feeling like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man. One and done and I am good. The older I get the more my disdain grows. My kids had over 3 weeks of snow days last year. Who needs that stress???!!!!
But alas we are in the middle of our biggest snow event in several years. The Blizzard of '92 kept me from the Adam Ant concert. The Blizzard of '98 ruined my moving plans. Now we name our winter storms- this one is called Jonas and it is particularly annoying as it is taking several days to pass. Because my New Year's Resolution is to try and find the good in things I tried to remember some good times that I had during some snowstorms.
Sometime in the '80s. Location Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The "forest" next to Heather's house. I remember we walked around and pretended it was our Winterland. I am sure it seemed much bigger than it actually was, but every time I see trees with those icy drops covered with a dusting of white fluffy snow I go back there.
Also in the 80's, many different times, sledding at Valley Vista. Now that I live in the mountains I chuckle at how big I thought that hill was.
1988- We moved to Bristol. Stayed at the hotel where Elvis stayed until our furniture got here. Got ready for first day of school only to arrive and find school was cancelled because it might snow. WTH??? I have been here almost 30 years and am just now getting used to that one.
Blizzard of '92. Was supposed to go see Adam Ant with Rachel in Atlanta. Cancelled because of weather. Nooooooo!!!! Rachel tries to leave Atlanta and gets stuck in one of the worst traffic jams of all time. (I am pretty sure this is the same traffic jam that brought my friend Tracey together with her husband. They may be the only people in the world who are fond of that traffic jam.) Tried to make the best of missing the concert so I played
Stripped over and over (much to the disdain of my friends) and found some friends to help me drown my sorrows. Problem is every store on the The Strip ran out of beer. Oh no!!! Never fear- there's always liquor. Tequila doesn't make your clothes fall off when you are playing outside in a blizzard, but it does make you feel that sledding down The Hill on a cafeteria tray is a good idea. It was really fun, but flying off the hill over the wall and onto the street can leave one with a gigantic bruise on one's ass cheek.
Blizzard of '96. Decided to get snowed in at my mom's with some friends. Best place to get snowed in. All sorts of tasty treats, most likely with dill at that time, and really fun board games. Playing Taboo or Win Lose or Draw with my mom is a total hoot!! My favorite memory of this storm is sledding down Bellebrook Dr on those exercise slides that came out about the same time as step aerobics. We are talking Clark Griswold super secret spray fast.
Snow Day January 2010. Sledding at the Campbell's. This picture makes me smile. Nothing like sledding on a plastic. PS- this is the same plastic you use for Redneck Slip n Slide at the Campbell's.
So as I finish Day 1 of being snowed in I have a new attitude. I will enjoy Day 2 of Winter Storm Jacob. I may go build a snowman or make a snow angel. Or I may stay in my pajamas and binge watch all the British dramas that I can't get enough of on Acorn. One thing is for sure- I will thank God that I don't live any further north and have to do this more often.