Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

This will be a year that no one will ever be able to forget. I quit saying "that will never happen" about 4 months ago. Nobody would disagree with the fact that 2020 has been one of the scariest, craziest, hardest years ever, but it wasn't all bad. Here are twenty things that 2020 gave me, in no particular order. 

1. Dinnertime. For several months when everything was locked down we had dinner as a family every night. 
2. Puzzles- I completed at lease 15 puzzles.
3. Books- I read 10 books. I had forgotten how much I loved to read. 
4. Family Zoom Calls- We may not have been able to be together in person, but zoom was the next best thing. 
5. Fires- specifically fire pits and bonfires. If it is safer to be outside, outside is where we will gather. 
6. Hamilton on Disney+. I love it more every time I watch it. 
7. I am not as busy at home. Board meetings are via zoom. Fewer afterschool activities. 
8. I found the coolest yellow couch. 
9. My immediate family has been in good health. Living through a pandemic really makes one realize what a gift good health is. 
10. Learning to let some things go. 
11. Appreciation for a family that holds the same values as I do. 
12. Greater appreciation for my friends. 
13. Curbside Pickup. Seriously- can we keep this forever. 
14. Family walks. We started to take more walks as a family. 
15. I actually did several of my New Year's resolutions. - got rid of my storage unit, made lots of banana bread, found a casserole to share, read more, organized the house. 
16. I started baking cookies again. I might have made the most amazing Snickerdoodles ever. 
17. Admiration, Respect and Love for my children's teachers. 2020 has really shown us how much a good teacher can impact a child. 
18. Comedy- Memes, TikTok videos, cartoons, and everything else that makes me laugh. I think everyone being stuck at home has made most of us realize that we need to lighten up and not take ourselves so seriously all the time. 
19. New cat- White Tummy. Although Milquetoast is not very grateful for this one. 
20. Love. I feel truly loved by my family and my friends.